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ThGZip 0.99.8

ThGZip ThGZip 0.99.8

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ThGZip Publisher's Description

Zip whole folders of your choice. All files of the corresponding subfolder with the selected extension (as *.doc, *.xsl, *. pas, *.cpp) will be zipped in one file.
Of course only single files can be added to the zip file.
All files in the Zip File can be synchronized with files of your harddisk. You will get a description, which file has be changed on which side. Only changed files are added to the zip file, which saves time.
With the integrated FTP- File Transfer the Zip can be written or read to an external FTP-Server. So it is possible to keep you data synchronized on different computer.

What's New in Version 0.99.8 of ThGZip

Small Bugs

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